Monday, October 26, 2009

Racing the Rain

The owners provided pizza for the whole crew on Friday to show their appreciation for all the hard work that STS Remodeling has done so far. Late Friday afternoon the patchy clouds had the project in the shade, but the downtown skyline was brightly lit by the low sun.

The roofing went on at the beginning of the week, and the contractor has been working on the interior walls and earthquake hardware in preparation for the shear wall inspection. Some of the windows have arrived and STS will begin the installation after the shear wall inspections are completed.

Earlier in the week, one of the neighbors was wondering why the house had no new south facing windows, but now that the window openings have been cut out of the exterior sheathing, the window locations have become more apparent.

The exterior of the house is shaping up. The original siding hints to the impact of the new additions to the original construction.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

“Singing in the Rain”

Last week the trusses were delivered and set in place. By Friday evening the house had all the main trusses up but the interior was wide open to the light rainfall on Friday evening. The first picture was taken from Alaska Avenue looking up 37th Ave. The roof trusses are a “scissor” type that allow for a vaulted ceiling on the upper floor.

Early Saturday morning, Seattle experienced some of the heaviest rains of the fall season. STS Remodeling was determined to work on Saturday and get the plywood roof deck on, in preparation for the roofing crew on Monday. With no roof and no drainage system, the rain water gave the project a good rinse. The STS Remodeling foreman and crew braved the heavy rain and wind and during a lull in the storm, the roof deck went on quickly, leaving only a small portion of the front low roof uncovered. Neighbors were in awe of the crew scrambling around on the steep roof in the rain (and on the ready to call 911). The installation of a harness anchor on the roof helped keep everyone safe and will also help the owner with future roof maintenance.

On Sunday the rain died off and Monday the rain held off, enabling the roofers to put shingles on the main roof. Although the interior did get a little soggy, the contractor is ready with some fans and de-humidifiers to help dry out the interior. The interior wetting has everyone wondering if the existing hardwood floors, that the contractor to extra care to protect, have soaked up any rain.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Framing Views

What a difference a week makes! Even from a distance, it is obvious that there are major changes taking place to the existing house. The blue tarp covering the construction is visible from quite a distance, even while driving along Fauntleroy. The new upper floor walls are beginning to give everyone a good idea of what a great room the "Great Room" will be.

The newly framed walls are also beginning to show which views will be "framed" by the new windows. The Jarrett's have started to consider some small changes along the way. An additional small window in the master bath shower, rearrangement of some fixtures in the upstairs bathroom and the possibility of expanding the deck on the east side of the house.

The Truss Company & Building Supply inc. has started manufacturing the trusses and the delivery is scheduled for this week. Even though we have enjoyed good weather to this point, rain and wind are forecast for this week.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Under Blue Seattle Skies...orTarp?

“The bluest sky’s you’ve ever seen are in Seattle”, but the rainy fall weather that Seattle is also famous for came for a short visit last week. The blue tarp covering the addition has been extended over more of the existing house as parts of the existing roof have been removed. Originally the plan was to remove the existing finished wood floors on the main level, but at the urging of the owners and after some careful planning by the contractor, the floors are being saved “in place” and protected from the elements.

Behind and under the blue tarp, framing for new main floor bearing walls and upper floor framing have been moving right along. Beam and column supports for the upper floor are being readied and soon the new upper floor walls will start to lift the blue tarp higher and higher. Clear weather is expected in Seattle this week, but the nights have been getting colder, a sure sign that the real fall weather is not far behind.